THE author's


Discover the mesmerizing author behind the “What I Think I Want To Be”

Heather Ellis

Nestled in a coastal haven on New Zealand’s North Island, the author leads a purposeful retirement life, nurturing a garden, creating art, and igniting literacy in young hearts. Their passion lies in understanding why some children struggle with literacy while others thrive. Despite raising three children and fulfilling teaching duties, they pursued academic qualifications and embarked on a teaching adventure in Indonesia. Fate led them to return to New Zealand, where they embraced relief teaching in rural schools for a decade, providing stability and guidance to twenty schools. They revolutionized teaching by personalizing goals for students, focusing on writing intricacies, and providing tailored exercises and reading materials. Students thrived with clear objectives and rewards for achieving goals, creating a symphony of learning and success. This journey inspired the creation of a book aimed at empowering teachers and parents to teach literacy effectively. The author’s deepest desire is to witness children once grappling with failure rise to embrace success, showcasing the extraordinary journey of a teacher who learned alongside her students.
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